Can Two Residential Properties Share a Dumpster?

Are you and your neighbors remodeling your homes at the same time? Or do you both want to get rid of several bulky items? If so, sharing a dumpster might make sense. As long as you communicate effectively with your residential dumpster rental company in Avon, Farmington, East Granby, and Windsor Locks, this arrangement can be an excellent solution for all parties involved.

Residential Dumpster Rental in Avon, Farmington, East Granby, and Windsor Locks: Can Two Residential Properties Share a Dumpster?

Sharing a dumpster between two residential properties allows you to reduce the cost and environmental impact of your renovation or clear-out. When explaining the arrangement to Windsor Sanitation, specify both addresses and explain the shared usage plan.

Request a suitable-sized dumpster to accommodate both households, and confirm that everyone understands the local waste removal regulations. Ensure the agreement includes clear terms and conditions.

Your Relationship with Your Neighbors

Your relationship with your neighbors affects the feasibility of shared dumpster rental. A positive and collaborative rapport increases the likelihood of a successful arrangement because it makes open communication and a shared commitment to responsible waste management easier.

Before you reach out to Windsor Sanitation, ensure that all parties agree to the schedules, guidelines, and costs of the dumpster rental. If you trust your neighbors and have successfully collaborated with them in the past, you’ll likely have a good experience.

Choosing the Right Dumpster Size

At Windsor Sanitation, we offer a wide range of options, from small trash containers to 30-yard roll-off dumpsters. To find the best container for your needs assess the volume and types of waste generated by both households. Make sure you understand each neighbor’s disposal habits and the frequency of use. If you’re planning on renting a dumpster long-term, consider seasonal variations in waste production.

Placing the Dumpster 

Carefully consider where the shared dumpster will be placed. Assess the convenience and accessibility for both residential properties, and aim for a centralized location to minimize inconvenience for all parties. Ensure compliance with local zoning regulations and property boundaries. Additionally, collaborate with your other neighbors to identify a spot that doesn’t obstruct pathways or cause disruptions.

Environmental Considerations

Before you rent your dumpster, speak to your neighbors about eco-friendly practices such as segregating recyclables from general waste. Make sure everyone understands what belongs in a dumpster and what doesn’t.

If necessary, remind your neighbors that recyclables go in the blue single-stream recycling bin from Windsor Sanitation. You can use Big Blue to dispose of newspapers, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, rinsed glass and metal food containers, aluminum foil, cans, juice, milk cartons, and plastic containers marked #1 through #7.

Maintenance Responsibilities 

Maintaining a shared dumpster is generally low effort. However, to ensure cleanliness, establish a clear schedule for periodic cleaning. In the event of spills or accumulated dirt, having an agreed-upon rotation for cleaning ensures a consistently well-maintained dumpster.

If you’re planning a home renovation or clear-out, speak to your neighbors to find out whether they have similar plans and would like to share a dumpster. Then, call Windsor Sanitation to order your trash container or roll-off dumpster. We provide a wide variety of options and offer both short-term and long-term rentals.
